NAReS Update

Dear Members For many months now I have been in discussions with the Police and the Home Office Firearms Policy Unit. The discussions have centred around the use of firearms in re-enactment scenarios, together with how such use is viewed by legislative authorities. As you will be aware current legislation is somewhat vague in certain areas when it comes to … Read More

2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the National Association of Re-enactment Societies Ltd This will be via online Zoom conference on the 10th December 2023 between 14:00 and 16:00. Member organisations will be receiving their AGM invitations and Zoom access details via their nominated contacts. Additionally, if as a re-enactor you’d be interested to inputting into our strategy and AGM … Read More

Future of firearms licensing

On behalf of NAReS, I have recently taken part in a meeting with representatives of the Home Office and the Police, to discuss the future of firearms licensing in relation to re-enactment. The Government is planning further restrictions in the wake of recent tragic events, where a firearm has been used. The meeting was constructive and a dialogue will be … Read More

Medical reports for FAC and Shotgun licenses

Those of you involved in all forms of shooting, both in re-enactment and in the sporting world, will, no doubt be aware that applications for the grant, or renewal, of firearms and shotgun licenses will now require a medical report from your doctor. Through NAReS I have been made aware of difficulties faced by some re-enactors when trying to get … Read More

Equine Updates

Equine Updates April 2021 When hiring horses for any event, or including owner riders in any way, it is important to make sure that all equines have the correct paperwork. Equines must be microchipped and have a passport. With Brexit there are also new rules for taking equines abroad. Microchipping in Horses The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs … Read More


It has become apparent that some societies have decided, because of the lack of events, that they will not renew their Public Liability Insurance (PLI) until the situation gets better.  It is pointed out that they may well find themselves unable to renew, or face significant increased premiums. It is also understood that it has been proposed to only insure per … Read More